Saturday, January 12, 2013


I have a testimony of the restoration of the gospel. I know that Joseph Smith lived and restored the gospel in this dispenation. Joseph was a great man that was chosen from God to bring the gospel to the earth. I also believe in family. It has been such a blessing in my life and wouldn't know what to do without my family here on earth. There have been some hard times but we have gotten through it together. I know that Jesus Christ lived and speaks through our living prophets and apostles in these latter days. They reveal things that we need to hear at this point in time. Family history is a blessing in my life. Because of the family history that my father has done he was able to meet a distant cousin who is also a member of the church. The most amazing part of this story is that the rest of my father's family are not members of the church. My father is the only member in his family. He figured he was the only member. So he was thankful when he discovered this distant cousin that was also a member. I'm thankful for the gospel in my life and how it has blessed my family and my life.